Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day :-)

I just wanted to take a second and wish everyone a wonderful Valentine's Day! I personally plan on eating as much candy as possible. Yum! :-)

Actually, I'm planning on making a very yummy dinner for Mikey and me, so keep your fingers crossed that I don't burn anything or catch the oven on fire, which has been known to happen. For real. But this time my mom has personally written out all the instructions so hopefully our Valentine's Day will be filled with a delicious filet roast, mixed veggies and some sort of potato thing my mom promises me I can make. Woo! Fingers crossed.

Here is a photo I dug up of Mikey and me from last summer at a BBQ. For some reason I have an extremely large head. Also, I really need to stop making this face.


Have a Happy Valentine's Day everyone! (And think happy thoughts for my cooking!) :-)

****Update: While the potatoes turned out mushy, the broccoli somehow fell apart into lots of little mushy broccoli bits and the meat was very well done, Mikey still managed to gulp down every bite and follow it up with a big "MMmmm! This is delicious!" every time. :-) Now that's love. :-)


Jean said...

Awww, look at that cutie patootie couple! I hope YOU had a great Valentine's Day! I'm sure your dinner was AWESOME! :-)

Jasmine said...

Glad to hear Mikey loved his're getting so wifey! ;)
BTW, your recent shoots are AWESOME!