Friday, April 4, 2008

Public Speaking 101

Yesterday afternoon I had the honor of speaking at my alma mater, Muhlenberg College! This year the college is celebrating 50 years of co-education. How cool is that?


I received a phone call about a month ago asking if I would be a panelist for their "Women Entrepreneur's" Panel, and I of course immediately said yes! I was beyond flattered. What I hadn't considered was my complete and total fear of public speaking. Like, I'm not even kidding. This one time I froze during a presentation in college and just stood there in front of a class of 30 other students and didn't say anything for 5 whole minutes. It was HORRIBLE! But I had agreed and so I was determined!

So on my drive yesterday I practiced over and over and over again what I was going to say. I had it memorized word for word. And when I was introduced (the first one to go! I always pick the worst seat!) I all of a sudden forgot EVERYTHING I had prepared. Panic spread throughout my entire body, and I could feel the heat rising in my face. But then I just started talking. And talking and talking and talking. And I probably should have stopped talking sooner than I did, but I really started to have fun! It was great having so many students interested in what I am doing and how I got here. So while I probably came off pretty nervous at the beginning, I like to think that I ended strong, and that's what matters, isn't it? ;-)

Thanks to everyone who came to the panel! It was so awesome getting to speak with some of you one on one afterwards! :-)

And yes, the m&ms are already gone. Bad Lauri. ;-)


Jean said...

YAAAAAAAAY LAURI!!! Way to go! I would've been so nervous, oh my goodness! You are perfect for a panel like that - you are a talented, intelligent, and resourceful businesswoman and photographer. Hooray!! :-D

Anonymous said...

How totally cool! I graduated from Muhlenberg too!

Kira said...

I had no idea! I wish I could have seen you speak!